So you like Lieder?
Me too…
Hi guys, its ME… the Liedernerd!!!!!
I've been obsessed with music for as long as I can remember and I've spent the better part of the last decade immersing myself in the wonderful world of LIEDER. I love to don my neon Barcelona hat and talk about German art song— Schubert, Schumann, Wolf, Beethoven, Brahms I love it allllllll so that's what this website is for— you can find all sorts of cool resources pertaining to Lieder! I’ve recorded tons of Lied accompaniments, so if you’re a vocalist in need of a pianist you’ll definitely want to check those out. I’ve also begun building a library of translations for you to freely use, helpful for both vocalists and pianists. The library is getting bigger every day! And for the true nerds I recommend you check out my episodes of Lieder School and/or my podcast Follow the Lieder.
When I’m not blabbing about Lieder, you might find me shredding on my mountain bike, watching Star Trek (TNG foreveRRR 🖖🏽), or possibly wandering the earth looking for the perfect sandwich. You never know what might pop up in my videos, but I can promise you this-- it will always be of the NERDIEST nature 🤓.

Lieder School
In each episode of Lieder School you can expect to find out all sorts of cool details you might never have known about some of the Lieder repertoire greats! Click the button below for more Lieder School…
I’m a huge fan of word art and nothing gets me more excited than choosing just the right English words to convey the meaning of some original German text. Whether you are a singer looking for some translation support or a pianist looking to deepen your understanding of the text setting, you can use my translations to help you along your way!

Liedernerd Presents…
FOllow The LIeder
A podcast dedicated to Lieder!
Pianist and wacky art-song enthusiast Mandee Madrid-Sikich talks all things Lieder-related (and not related!!!). With guest hosts and live performances, you don’t want to miss it…
Sing with Me!!!
That’s right! I am always busy recording the piano accompaniments to all your favorite songs in the Lieder repertoire. So if you are looking for a song accompaniment and you can't find it on this website or on my YouTube channel, feel free to send me a request and I'd be happy to try to record it for you! Please note: I prefer German (or Klingon) repertoire 😎